Sunday, January 27, 2008

When I started this blog little did I know that the very first ‘event’ that I would post about would be such a sad occasion and that it would be about someone so dear to my heart. I am very sad to announce the death of my Aunt, Vera Henry.

Many of you will probably remember her from when her, and her husband William, used to work at Hill’s Orchard on West Caro rd. in Caro Michigan. They worked at the orchard for many years before they retired.

William and their two sons, Carl Roy and Don, all preceded her in death. But, and many of you ‘non-believer’s may scoff at this, they were there to take her home. Vera’s last words were that her beloved William and her son‘s were waiting for her in the doorway and then she said “I’m coming William” before she died.

Though it pains us much to have lost someone that we love so dear we are trying to remember her last words and to take what comfort that we can in the fact that she is home with her William and her son’s all of whom she has missed so much.

Several years ago we had trouble with our furnace and we stayed with her while we waited for the part to come in. Though it was a stressful time we look back now and think that it was a blessing in disguise as it gave us time to really get to know her and ‘talk’ not just the day to day chatter that we all use to fill the spaces when we visit with someone but to really talk about things that matter.

Aunt Vera talked about how her son Carl Roy was killed so many years ago when someone robbed him for the couple of dollars that he had. She talked about how hard it was. And how much she still missed him all of these many years later.

Aunt Vera even talked about how during the war that all lights had to be off at night so that the enemy couldn’t see the houses if they flew over. And we talked about how now everyone has these large yard lights and everything is so lit up that it would be very easy for enemies to see the buildings now.

We talked about how so many people take so much for granted- heat, food, water, lights. Yet so many people throughout the world struggle to survive and to have just the basics.

We have always loved Aunt Vera but it was a blessing to really get to know her like that. We have shed many tears today but we understand that truly our tears are more for our loss and how much we will miss her. On a positive note, we know that she is with people she has loved and missed for many years and we know that she is happy. It doesn’t take away our pain but it does help to give us some comfort and to know that when it is our time that she will be there waiting for us along with so many other family and friends that have gone before us.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I was born and raised in the thumb of Michigan

I was born and raised in the thumb of Michigan and have lived in the Caro area my entire life.

I have created this blog in an effort to provide everyone, especially those in my hometown area, with great information, news, and tips from how to make money and how to save it.

Look to the links on the side to get to any of the information that you are looking for. You will also see a link to local news & events. This is a community area where we all can post local news and events. Whether announcing the birth of a baby, a rummage sale or town hall event you can post about it there by leaving a 'comment'. There is no charge.

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